THE FIGHT FOR AMERICA …and the rest of us. In This Corporate Run World A Handful Only Of Shareholders In Blackrock And Vanguard Control Governments, Churches, Bankers, The Media, The Military, Lawyers, Legal Systems, Our Food, Water, Air, And Information.

The America Project Activated in 1666 And Amended In 1871 is now under critical review by forces bent on segmentation and control.

THE ACT OF 1871: Washington DC, Vatican City And City Of London Became THE EMPIRE OF THE CITY.

Your sovereignty taken. Your country a Corporation.
Look at the Treaty Of 1606.
1606 The first Charter Of Virginia.
The British Empire and the Incorporated States Of America acted unlawfully and unconstitutionally. Today we stand unlawfully governed.
Be aware of the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666
>>>NOTE: Begin viewing at 4.40 on counter

Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Declared Everyone (referred to as slaves by the way!) To Be Dead. A Legal Double Was Then Allotted To Everyone… And So A Strawman Legal System Was Started.

Michelle Obama 2024!

Michelle Obama is not who she pretends to be. In Michelle Obama 2024, filmmaker Joel Gilbert does a deep dive into the life of the most popular woman in America and reveals one game-changing detail after another. Gilbert’s investigative journey takes him from Chicago to Princeton to Washington to Martha’s Vineyard and beyond. Along the way, he discovers that Michelle has created a cynical, highly effective, false narrative of her life story based largely on gender and race. In Chicago, Gilbert chronicles how Michelle has repeatedly run from the Black community or sold it out, much as her father did when he served as a precinct captain for the Daley Machine. Gilbert then exposes Michelle Obama’s “I hate politics” disclaimer as strategic cover for her intense lifelong political advocacy as he deconstructs Michelle’s best-selling autobiography, Becoming.

As the best-loved Democrat, Michelle has been preparing to run for President since 2016 by following the same formula as Barack did before her. This includes writing an autobiography, giving the keynote speech at the Democrat National Convention, and heading up a voter registration organization. Gilbert also unveils Michelle’s psychological dark side and explains how her deep feelings of inadequacy drive her to run for the presidency. Gilbert ultimately reveals the real Michelle Obama, one very few Americans know or understand, but that all must be wary of as she seeks the highest office in the land. If she wins in 2024, Gilbert predicts, Michelle will take orders from global elites…and chaos will follow as surely as night follows day.

GOD GIVEN – NOW EMERGING – SCIENCE OF HEALING : The Scalar Light Energy Information Process of Healing

The Natural Healing Process

Will Musk Reinstate Previously Banned Accounts?

Musk may in fact use his newfound power to reveal rather than hide. He will have the ability to investigate and expose government and legacy media-directed censorship, for example.

Biased government influence on the media has always been an issue.

Over the past two years, we’ve seen social media companies working in lockstep to censor certain views, and we’ve already seen evidence that government officials have backdoor channels through which they’ve been instructing companies to censor information on their behalf. It’s not legal, but they’ve been doing it anyway — and getting away with it.