“Who controls the FOOD supply controls the people; who controls the ENERGY can control whole continents; who controls MONEY can control the world” — Henry Kissinger 1974

Henry Kissinger Money Quote saying in 1974 that people are dependent on food and energy and that money provides power over both. Henry Kissinger said:

HOW COME AN AMERICAN SENILE OLD REPROBATE IS ALLOWED TO SIGN A $740 Billion Climate, Tax And Health Care Bill Into Law With One Hand Whilst Holding The Other Hand Over The Nuclear Button?

THE FIGHT FOR AMERICA …and the rest of us.

MELATONIN: Melatonin is one of the most important antioxidant molecules

  • In the human body melatonin not only has independent direct antioxidant effects on its own, but it also stimulates the synthesis of glutathione and other important antioxidants like superoxide dismutase and catalase
  • Mitochondrial melatonin production is one of the reasons why regular sun exposure is so crucial. The near-infrared spectrum, when hitting the skin, trigger the generation of melatonin in your mitochondria.
  • Considering melatonin’s function within the mitochondria, and the fact that mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of most chronic disease, it makes sense that melatonin would be helpful against a number of different diseases, including the two most common — heart disease and cancer.


Previously suspected un-elected BIG CORP influence on The United States White House now showing to be true.

Do you Fink you know what’s going on at the top of America’s government?

Larry Fink is the chairman and CEO of BlackRock, an American multinational investment management corporation.